
Taking advantage of the HeidelbergCement Group's rich experience, the company joined the HeidelbergCement training program for mid-level management staff, and among other levels. This training involves several companies of the HeidelbergCement Africa Group, while managers undergo practical management training in order to prepare them for a possible succession.

Specialized training is general for skill development for larger groups of employees, as well as advances in technical skills are being carried out inside and outside the country continuously to equip workers with more knowledge and allow them to stay up to date with technological development. in the field.

Since joining the HeidelbergCement Group, the Company has sponsored many training activities involving the majority of the Company's employees. Substantial training is carried out locally and with sister companies abroad as part of the implementation of capital projects during the period of integration in the group.

ACS (Austral Cementos Sofala)

Human Resource Manager


Fabrica: Bairro Samora Machel
Zona Industrial II Talhao 34/35
Dondo (Sofala)